B2B ecommerce is taking giant growth strides. A recent Forrester report predicts that the US B2B Ecommerce industry will grow to $1.8 trillion by 2023 growing at the CAGR of 10% over next 3 years. At a global level B2B ecommerce sales will hit $6.6 trillion by 2020 and at some point will exceed B2C as per a report from Frost & Sullivan.
To learn more about the opportunity presented to B2B businesses by the online marketplace model, download the “B2B Enterprise eCommerce For the Next Decade” white paper by filling out the form to the right.
In this white paper, we examine the current state of Enterprise ecommerce with a lens on progressing from legacy platforms and into the next phase of ecommerce evolution that will provide the scalability, flexibility, and stability to meet business objectives for the foreseeable future.
This white paper will address the following areas to predict what’s next.